Leo Gondouin – Digital Solution Officer


Since young, Leo has witnessed what public health could bring to humankind and he was inspired to be a part of the digital solution at GaneshAID and make a change to the world.

As a Digital Solution Officer, Leo takes responsibility for creating and maintaining Ticket Manager, a supporting channel for GaneshAID’s digital solutions and supporting the digital team in coding the solutions. With his expertise, he successfully created the space for supporting tickets, leveraging the quality of the applications and GaneshAID’s products in general. He also actively learns and grows as a developer, proven by his experience in coding and replicating solutions among servers and clients.

Past Experience

Before joining GaneshAID, Leo had apprenticeship experience for two years as a Decision-making App Developer in France. He showed his ability for security and server management while being an apprentice.


Leo holds dual degree in Information technology: first Diploma: Two-Year University Degree in Technology – DUT : Statistics and Business Intelligence at IUT Lyon 2, second Diploma: Bachelor in Decision-making Information System.

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