Multiple micro-learning pathways for a strong immunisation supply chain (iSC) in Africa – AFRiSC

Challenges of Traditional Training

In the context of resource limitation, outbreaks, and pandemics (COVID-19), it is now crucial to provide countries with innovative approaches to continuously train immunisation professionals at all levels of the health system.

Indeed, it is largely acknowledged that delivering face-to-face training programs is very costly and time-consuming. The high-stakes environment in the healthcare industry pressures healthcare workers to deliver quality outcomes with little time for preparation.

Health worker discussing directly
GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - Competency-based learning - iSC Manager
iSC Manager (Joseph)
GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - Competency-based learning pathway - Logistician
Logistician (Omarr)
GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - Competency-based learning pathway - Cold chain officer
Cold Chain Officer (Kali)
GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - Competency-based learning pathway - NLWG Member
NLWG Member (Leal)
GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - Competency-based learning pathway - Storekeeper
Storekeeper (Imani)
GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - Competency-based learning pathway - In-country Technical Partner
In-country Technical Partner (Zev)

GaneshAID’s Innovation to address
Multi-position Training – AFRiSC

Co-designed with the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO), AFRiSC is a learning and performance management tool for supply chain professionals from the 47 Member States of WHO/AFRO.

AFRiSC offers competency-based and individualised micro-learning pathways for iSC workers, tailored to the specific needs of their positions, including iSC Managers, Logisticians, Cold Chain Officers, National Logistic Working Group (NLWG) Members, Storekeepers, and In-country technical partners.

Rather than the traditional one-size-fits-all curriculum, the innovation features highly individualised learning pathways that allow learners to receive training anytime and anywhere.

Available on PC and Mobile

Immunisation supply chain workers can use AFRiSC on their personal computers and mobile devices

GaneshAID Smart Solution - AFRiSC - PC Homepage
PC Homepage
Mobile flash screen

Key Features

Individualised learning pathways with tailored micro-learning capsules


Knowledge library accessible anywhere and anytime


Performance-based reward system


WHO certifificates delivered


Spread news and guidance from credible sources on Institutional Newsfeed


Create threads
in Discussion Forums


Instant messages to peers, supervisors and experts


Mobile flash screen
Individualised Micro-Learning Pathways
Individualised Micro-Learning Modules
Instant Messages

AFRiSC helps health workers


Improve the knowledge and practical skills of all health workers within the iSC


Encourage active communication between iSC workers


Foster a culture of peer learning via the forum and the social network

User feedback

Meet the GaneshAID Smart Team

From GaneshAID Smart, let’s meet the people behind the development of AFRiSC!

Binh Bui
IT Project Manager
Linh Nguyen
Lead Developer
B-Hai Le P
Digital Solution Officer
Quang Pham
Full-stack Developer
Linh Pham
Tester cum BA
Lam Le
Tuyen Dao
Flutter Developer
Hau Le
Front-End Developer

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