Dorothy Leab is a Public Health professional with a strong focus on Health System Strengthening. With more than 20 years of experience supporting public health interventions in Low and Middle-Income countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe, Dorothy wants to make a difference in communities’ health for the better, fostering innovations and new approaches.
She leads all projects introducing transformative changes for building resilient and sustainable systems for health and immunisation. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic was a shocking reminder that global threats happen anytime and everywhere in the world. Therefore, Governments – especially in developing countries – must transform health and immunisation systems, incorporating flexibility and robustness.
Dorothy collaborates with National Health and Immunization Programs leaders to better combat diseases including vaccine-preventable diseases, HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. She fosters cooperation on national leadership and management, as well as community engagement for preventing, responding to, and containing any outbreak and pandemics.
Dorothy manages multiple expertise to drive innovations for sustainable impact in global health and promote the Government’s leadership and ownership: national strategies and plans, partners coordination/alignment for aid effectiveness, financing advocacy, integration across health issues, health and immunization supply chains, quality assurance of health services, and community empowerment.
Dorothy is used to supporting Governments closely with development and implementing partners as well as donors.
Dorothy Leab received the 2014 Gates Vaccine Innovation Award in recognition of her engagement in EPIVAC, an on-the-job blended training program for district medical officers to improve immunisation program performance in 11 Francophone African countries.
Past experience
Before running GaneshAID, Dorothy managed various projects and teams for over 20 years and handled tasks in the financing, planning, risk management, project monitoring, reporting, and evaluation.
Dorothy holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Economics from the University of Paris XII in France. She also received a University Certificate in Public Health in Developing Countries.